Saturday 17 September 2011

HAVE I MADE IT LARGE................

Have I made it large………..

When was the last time you sat with your old buddies and played Antakshri and flowed you emotions out?
When was the last time you sat with your family  and enjoyed the stress relieving chat ?
When was the last time you actually went out for a vacation with out your cell phones?
When was the last time you had that unhygienic street food which you used to have when didn’t have enough money in your pocket?

Probablly the answer would come “I DON’T REMEMBER”…….
These are more questions and the list goes on and on…… there used to be little little things which used to make us happy.
Have we forgotten those things ????????
In this jungle race of survival of the fittest we have actually formatted our old memory devices which restored the data of little things which used to make us happy.

Happiness doesn’t used to come from big things, it used to come from silly acts, fun pranks and those polling in of last saved coins to eat something out. 

We work morning till evening like donkeys, we run here and there like horse, we quarrel on each other like dogs and many other animal attributes. We have actually become an animal in this race to earn money…..
But the question which is running in my mind is HAVE I MADE IT LARGE…………….. after all this!!!!

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